tailieunhanh - Nhận xét kết quả chăm sóc da bệnh nhân ung thư phổi không tế bào nhỏ giai đoạn tái phát di căn có đột biến EGFR được điều trị bằng thuốc ức chế tyrosine kinase tại khoa Nội 1 Bệnh viện K

Bài viết trình bày mô tả một số đặc điểm tổn thương da bệnh nhân ung thư phổi không tế bào nhỏ giai đoạn tái phát di căn có đột biến EGFR được điều trị bằng thuốc TKIs tại khoa Nội 1 Bệnh Viện K và nhận xét kết quả chăm sóc tổn thương da nhóm bệnh nhân trên. | Vietnam Journal of Community Medicine Vol 64 Special Issue 2023 23-29 INSTITUTE OF COMMUNITY HEALTH EVALUATING THE SKIN CARE RESULTS IN RECURRENT METASTATIC NON-SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER PATIENTS HARBORING EGFR MUTATION TREATED WITH TKIS AT THE DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL ONCOLOGY 1 K HOSPITAL Bui Thi Thanh Loan Do Anh Tu Tran Thi Hau Do Hung Kien Vietnam National Cancer Hospital - 30 Cau Buou street Tan Trieu commune Thanh Tri district Hanoi Vietnam Received 01 03 2023 Revised 20 03 2023 Accepted 18 04 2023 ABSTRACT Objective Describe some skin lesion features in recurrent metastatic non-small cell lung cancer harboring EGFR mutation patients treated with TKIs at Medical Oncology Department 1 in Vietnam National Cancer Hospital and evaluate the treatment results of the patients above. Subjects and methods Cross sectional observational study collect information from medical records combined with observation examine 89 lung cancer patients treated with TKIs at Medical Oncology Department 1 at Vietnam National Cancer Hospital from March 2022 to October 2022. Results Rash was acquired in 87 6 of the patients 60 7 had skin lesions related to the drugs after one or two months since the first dose grade 1 or 2 rash skin acquired 37 2 and 46 2 respectively none of the patients have grade 4 toxicity. Most patients treated outside the hospital took care of skin lesions following doctor and nurses constructions only four patients had grade 3 toxicity and needed to be hospitalized. 95 5 of the patients continued treatment without dose- reduction or withdrawal from the treatment 66 3 of patients recovered and reduced adverse events after the treatment. Conclusion Skin lesions related to TKIs recover well if detected early and in active care. Key word Skin lesions lung cancer TKIs. Corressponding author Email address builoanbvk@ Phone number 84 978 623 592 23 . Loan et al. Vietnam Journal of Community Medicine Vol 64 Special Issue 2023 23-29 NHẬN XÉT KẾT QUẢ CHĂM SÓC DA .