tailieunhanh - MySQL High Availability- P11

MySQL High Availability- P11: A lot of research has been done on replication, but most of the resulting concepts are never put into production. In contrast, MySQL replication is widely deployed but has never been adequately explained. This book changes that. Things are explained here that were previously limited to people willing to read a lot of source code and spend a lot of time debugging it in production, including a few late-night sessions. | CHAPTER 14 Cloud Computing Solutions Joel pushed his office door partially closed while he hung his jacket on the hook on the back of the door. He jumped at the sound of knuckles rapping on his door. Come in he said as he pulled the door open and walked over to his desk. When he turned to face his visitor he knew who it was. Mr. Summerson. Good morning sir. Good morning Joel. Nice work on that report about high availability and scale-out. I especially like your recommendations on how we can improve throughput for some of our products. Thanks. Joel held his breath waiting for the tasking he knew was sure to come. Last night the board and I signed a contract to customize one of our products for a new customer. The ink isn t dry on the contract so I won t go into any details but suffice it to say we will need a lot of new servers in a high availability setup. Of course they ll be using MySQL for the database component. Joel tried to remember all the details he d read about MySQL high availability wondering how much money he d need to set up a host of servers. He snapped out of his thoughts as his boss continued . then there s that stuff about load balancing. After an uncomfortable pause Joel said Yes sir. The problem is we don t have resources to buy a bunch of servers and the contract is for a six-month period of service. The board will never approve spending a bunch of money on new hardware that we may not need after the contract expires. Not to mention the dent to our profit margin. Joel didn t know what to say so he simply waited. So we d like you to put together a cloud-based solution. With that Mr. Summerson patted Joel on the shoulder and left. Joel stood for several moments before walking behind his desk and sitting down. Joel considered himself informed about emerging technologies but he d figured the cloud computing stuff was as fluffy as its namesake. He picked up his dog-eared MySQL book and flipped to the next chapter. Well look at that he said starting .