tailieunhanh - Project Management Professional-Chapter 17a (Question)

Chapter 17a: Question about CONTRACTS AND PROCUREMENT 1. A project manager must make a narrative description of the project. This narrative description covers the items that will be supplied under the contract with the client. It is called: a. b. c. d. The project plan. The statement of work. The exception report. The progress report. 2. A project manager discovers that there is a part of the project that contains some risk. His or her strategy with this risk is to subcontract the work to an outside supplier by using a firm fixed price contract. Which of the following is true? a | CONTRACTS AND PROCUREMENT 1. A project manager must make a narrative description of the project. This narrative description covers the items that will be supplied under the contract with the client. It is called a. The project plan. b. Thestatementofwork. c. report. d. The peeoeeseeeport. 2. A project mi negrestte evesjeOat there is a part of the project that contains somesiek. Hieor heeetrategy with this risk is to subcontract the work to an outside supplier by using a firm fixed price contract. Which of the fohe evir g aa teue a. Thusuppjiar wUlinclude aoellowance fooshorisk in the contrectod price b. The supplierwilleose merney on the contract. c. Thu peojecimenegeewflhavo tucumpeueaee dee sefeplkrlfO e ritk occurs. d. The peojectmenegee wiUassisithe rupoherwiththe project team if thenskoecurr. errneoi 3. A projoct manager disaauereehat eheteio aeartofthe poojoot thai eom-tains somt ae her strategy with this risk is to subcontract the work to an outside supplier by using a firm fixed price contract. The projece menagtr aheadd a. Moeeceetaih ehai die peoject teem doer nojrevrti1 thorisntothe supper unril tha eegned. b. Make eooryetu ri tomeke sure that the supplier is made aware of theriskefter tht pensreot jssignree. a. Make 1. thesuppHee gnderstpeeethe risk before the aontraat is St lM. d. AssignomemUeroOjhrpeo eet teameo monitor the aativity of the 297 298 Preparing for the Project Management Professional Certification Exam ssipplitr tcen l suns that the supplierdetdswiththe riskproperly if it occurs. 4. The project manager isconsideringcontractingsome of the workofthe project to a soeicc Oureau. The service bureau has been used in the past by this project manager. The manager has several choices of contracts thatcanbe ueet io scbcontroctthisneork. Which ofthefoUewinn teak a type oeeontoecc thatttectojcct mrnreermichtchoese a. Firm feted price b. M or y c. Costpbs inctmriwf00 d. Unit pries 5. A protect monngcs rrcmPeoyad by a .