tailieunhanh - Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones

Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones Volume 3 draws on the experience of Symbian’s own engineers to provide a thorough grounding in writing C++ applications for mobile phones that use Symbian OS version and beyond. It won’t teach youeverything you need to know about developing Symbian OS applications – no single book could do that. However, it will take you a long way along the road to being an effective Symbian OS developer, and give you a deep understanding of the fundamental principles upon which Symbian OS is based. | fri Symbian OS for Mobile Phones Volume 3 WILEY Application Development for Symbian OS V9 symbian Richard Harrison Mark Shackman Symbian OS C for Mobile Phones Volume 3 Richard Harrison Mark Shackman With Adi Rome Alex Wilbur Andrew Jordan Douglas Feather Ernesto Guisado Hassan Ali loannis Douros John Pagonis Lucian Piros Mark Cawston Martin Hardman Mathew Inwood Rick Martin Sanjeet Matharu Tim Williams Yang Zhang Reviewed by Graeme Duncan Guanyun Zhang Ian McDowall Jehad Al-Ansari Jonathan Allin Jo Stichbury Kostyantyn Lutsenko Lane Roberts Lars Kurth Mark Jacobs Mark Welsh Mathias Malmqvist Matthew O Donnell Rahul Singh Ricky Junday Robert Palmer Rosanna Ashworth-Jones Sorin Basca Tim Labeeuw Warren Day Will Bamberg of Symbian Press Freddie Gjertscn .Managing Editor Salu McNabb 18 0 7 WILEY 2 0 0 7 John Wiley Sons .