tailieunhanh - Nghiên cứu tách chiết silk protein từ vỏ kén tằm

Tơ tằm là một loại sợi tự nhiên có bản chất là các protein được con tằm nhả ra trong quá trình kết kén làm tổ. Bài viết Nghiên cứu tách chiết silk protein từ vỏ kén tằm nghiên cứu trình bày kết quả tách chiết sericin và broin là các protein có trong tơ tằm sau đó chế biến chúng thành dạng bột. | Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Nông nghiệp Việt Nam - Số 01 134 2022 Khraisheh McMinn and Magee Sankhadip Bose Bibek Laha and Subhasis Banerjee . 2004. Quality and structural changes in 2014. Quanti cation of allicin by high performance starchy foods during microwave and convective liquid chromatography-ultraviolet analysis with e ect drying. Food Research International 37 497-503. of post-ultrasonic sound and microwave radiation on Sharma and Prasad S. 2004. E ective moisture fresh garlic cloves. Pharmacogn Mag. 10 Suppl 2 di usivity of garlic cloves undergoing microwave- S288 S293. convective drying. Journal of Food Engineering 65 Wang Wei Re XiaTi Ai KeBaier Fu Li 2010. Study on 609-617. the stability of allicin in the Saimaiti Garlic. China Condiment 2 53-55 . Determination of methods and technical parameters in the drying process of sliced purple onion Hoang i Le Hang Hoang i Tuyet Mai Nguyen ị Lai Abstract e purpose of the study was to determine the appropriate drying method and regime for sliced purple onions. On the basis of surveying methods of convection drying heat pump drying and heat pump drying combined with microwaves the heat pump drying method combined with microwave was selected as the most suitable. en e ects of drying temperature thresholds at 35 45 and 55oC with gas velocities of m s m s and 1 m s on the change of anthocyanin content allicin content sensory quality were investigated. e results revealed that the heat pump drying method combined with microwave at 45oC with air velocity - m s microwave regime with 1 kW capacity for - hours is suitable for sliced purple onions. With this regime the product a er drying has good sensory quality the composition of bioactive compounds is least degraded such as anthocyanin and allicin with a dry matter content of mg 100 g and mg 100 g respectively. Keywords Sliced purple onions heat pump drying combined with microwaves drying regime Ngày .