tailieunhanh - Xuất huyết tiêu hoá - tăng áp lực tĩnh mạch cửa do lách lạc chỗ: Báo cáo một trường hợp

Bài viết Xuất huyết tiêu hoá - tăng áp lực tĩnh mạch cửa do lách lạc chỗ trình bày kinh nghiệm của chúng tôi về đặc điểm lâm sàng, các khó khăn gặp phải trong quá trình chẩn đoán và điều trị bệnh lý hiếm gặp này. | Journal of Pediatric Research and Practice Vol. 6 No. 3 4 2022 131-136 Case Report Gastrointestinal Bleeding - Portal Hypertention Due to Wandering Spleen A Case Report Vu Manh Hoan Nguyen Tho Anh Tran Duc Tam Le Dinh Cong Nguyen Pham Anh Hoa Pham Duy Hien Vietnam National Children s Hospital 18 879 La Thanh Dong Da Hanoi Vietnam Received 21 April 2022 Revised 5 May 2022 Accepted 10 May 2022 Abstract The displacement of spleen from its normal location to other places is known as wandering spleen caused by the absence laxity or anchoring ligaments and the presence of long pedicle. The clinical presentation of wandering spleen varies widely from no sign and symptom incidentally discovered to acute abdominal pain due to splenic torsion and infarction. There is a paucity of data on gastrointestinal bleeding due to rupture of gastric varies related to wandering spleen. We report a case of an 11-year-old boy who was admitted to the Emergency Department with severe GI bleeding due to rupture of gastric varices. CT scan showed the location of the splenomegaly in the lower part of the abdomen and the whorled splenic vessels. The patient was performed emergency splenectomy and gastrotomy for hemostasis. 1 month after surgery absence of fundus gastric varices was confirmed via gastroscopy. This is not only the first case of gastric variceal bleeding due to left-sided portal hypertension caused of splenic torsion reported in Vietnam but also a rare case in the world. The problem was solved after splenectomy. Keyword Wandering spleen Splenic torsion Left-sided portal vein hypertension Gastric variceal bleeding Splenectomy. Corresponding author. E-mail address https 131 132 . Hoan et al. Journal of Pediatric Research and Practice Vol. 6 No. 3 4 2022 131-136 Xuất huyết tiêu hoá - tăng áp lực tĩnh mạch cửa do lách lạc chỗ Báo cáo một trường hợp Vũ Mạnh Hoàn Nguyễn Thọ Anh Trần Đức Tâm Lê Đình Công Nguyễn Phạm Anh Hoa Phạm Duy