tailieunhanh - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Unleashed- P58

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Unleashed- P58:SQL Server 2005 provided a number of significant new features and enhancements over what was available in SQL Server 2000. This is not too surprising considering there was a five-year gap between these major SQL Server 2008 is not as much of a quantum leap forward from SQL Server 2005 | 514 CHAPTER 17 Administering SQL Server 2008 with PowerShell Where -eq Error PS Get-EventLog Application -New 10 Where -eq Error Select-Object TimeWritten The preceding example demonstrates another useful feature of the PowerShell pipeline where you can join several commands together to get specific results. First only the 10 newest entries are retrieved then a pipe is used to get only the entries classified as an error and finally only the TimeWritten property is displayed. We mentioned WMI earlier in this chapter as a method for remote control and administration of servers. WMI is packed full of features that are useful for system administration. A few examples of using PowerShell s built-in WMI features are shown here. Getting a listing of all the fixed local logical drives PS Get-WmiObject -query select from Win32_LogicalDisk where DriveType 3 Getting a listing of all the fixed remote logical drives PS Get-WmiObject -computerName server -query select from Win32_LogicalDisk where DriveType 3 Getting a listing of all the local patches hotfixes installed the -computerName parameter could be used with a value to retrieve this information from a remote system PS Get-WmiObject Win32_QuickFixEngineering NOTE Remote WMI connections may require that appropriate firewall rules be open in the network and also with a client firewall on the remote system. In addition remote WMI queries must also be authenticated. By default WMI queries use the current user s authentication credentials. In some scenarios WMI authentication can be more complicated. The preceding examples show only the beginning of all the things WMI can provide quick access to. Another common task is trying to find files or folders. You can use the Get-Childltem cmdlet to recursively search through a directory structure. The following example shows how to search for the location of the executable PS Get-ChildItem c -recurse SQL Server-Specific Tasks Before