tailieunhanh - Cú pháp tiếng anh part 4

31 suppose that it has the function of a preclausal determiner (. a determiner introducing the following italicised clause Randy Rabbit runs Benny’s Bunny Bar) in sentences such as (49b). However, there is evidence against a determiner analysis of the complementiser that. Part of this is phonological in nature. In its use as a complementiser (in sentences such as (49b) above), that typically has the reduced form /ð¶t/, whereas in its use as a determiner (. in sentences such as (49a) above), that invariably has the unreduced form /ðæt/: the phonological differences between the two suggest that we are dealing. | 31 suppose that it has the function of a preclausal determiner . a determiner introducing the following italicised clause Randy Rabbit runs Benny s Bunny Bar in sentences such as 49b . However there is evidence against a determiner analysis of the complementiser that. Part of this is phonological in nature. In its use as a complementiser in sentences such as 49b above that typically has the reduced form ỗ t whereas in its use as a determiner . in sentences such as 49a above that invariably has the unreduced form ỗ t the phonological differences between the two suggest that we are dealing with two different lexical items here . two different words one of which functions as a complementiser and typically has a reduced vowel the other of which functions as a determiner and always has an unreduced vowel. Moreover that in its use as a determiner though not in its use as a complementiser can be substituted by another determiner such as this the cf. 50 a Nobody else knows about that incident this incident the incident determiner that b I m sure that it s true this it s true the it s true complementiser that Similarly the determiner that can be used pronominally without any complement whereas the complementiser that cannot cf. 51 a Nobody can blame you for that mistake prenominal determiner b Nobody can blame you for that pronominal determiner 52 a I m sure that you are right preclausal complementiser b I m sure that pronominal complementiser The clear phonological and syntactic differences between the two argue that the word that which serves to introduce complement clauses is a different item belonging to the category C complementiser from the determiner D that which modifies noun expressions. The third item which we earlier suggested might function as a complementiser in English is interrogative if. At first sight it might seem that there is a parallelism between if and interrogative wh-adverbs like when where whether since they appear to occupy the same .