tailieunhanh - Truyện cười bằng tiếng anh - 1

Truyện cười bằng tiếng anh Để yêu thích một môn ngoại ngữ, cách tốt nhất là áp dụng chúng vào chính cuộc sống đời thường của chúng ta. Sau đây là một vài mẩu chuyện vui bằng tiếng anh vừa giúp các bạn học thêm từ vựng tiếng anh lại vừa như 1 cách thư giãn bổ ích. | Truyện cười bằng tiếng anh A tech support This guy calls in to complain that he gets an Access Denied message every time he logs in This guy calls in to complain that he gets an Access Denied message every time he logs in. It turned out he was typing his user name and password in capital letters. Tech Support OK let s try once more but use lower case letters. Customer But I only have capital letters on my keyboard. The price of choise What is better The Brain Surgeon was about to perform a brain transplant. He told the patient You have your choice of two brains. For 1000 you can have the brain of a psychologist or for 10 000 you can have the brain of a politician. The patient was amazed at the huge difference in price. Is the brain of a politician that much better he asked. The Brain Surgeon replied No it s not better just unused. The answer Oh you died. Man I could go to the end of the world for you Man I could go to the end of the world for you. Woman Yes but would you stay there Man I offer you myself. Woman I am sorry I never accept cheap gifts Man I want to share everything with you. Woman Let s start from your bank account. I WON T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT YOU. A player was telling his mother about the game scheduled for that afternoon. -Today we will play in a stadium with a roof Mom His mother replied happily -Really That s very good. When you re playing 1 won t have to worry about the hot Sun or rain and you won t get sick. You always have your head bare and you play outside without a cap. WHOSE YARD DID YOU PLAY IN Seeing her husband come home from a Football match the wife asked - How Did your team win