tailieunhanh - Suse Linux 9.3 For Dummies- P16

Suse Linux For Dummies- P16:This part is all about getting you started on your way to a lasting relationship with SUSE Linux. Before you can begin your SUSE Linux experience, I spend a chapter explaining what SUSE Linux is and what you can do with SUSE Linux (pretty much anything you can do with a PC that runs Windows). | Chapter 13 Doing Even More Office Stuff in SUSE Linux In This Chapter Keeping track of appointments and tasks Making calculations Preparing presentations in Impress esides word processing and spreadsheets that I cover in Chapter 12 what else do you do in an office Hmmm . . . let me see. How about keeping track of appointments and tasks Calculating how much profit you made And making sales pitches or some sort of presentation In this chapter I cover SUSE Linux applications for some of these other office tasks. The chapter begins with a quick summary of the calendar applications in KDE and GNOME. Then I describe Impress a Microsoft PowerPointlike presentation software package. Keeping Track of Appointments and Tasks If you installed KDE as your desktop you can use Kontact a new KDE application that integrates existing KDE applications such as the KMail mail reader and the KOrganizer calendar program into a single graphical personal information manager. To start Kontact click the Personal Information Manager icon on the KDE panel see Figure 13-1 or choose Main Menu1 X Office1 -Kontact. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. 206 Part III Doing Stuff with SUSE__ Figure 13-1 Start KDE Kontact by clicking the icon on the KDE panel. Click this icon to start KDE Kontact When Kontact starts it usually displays the KMail application. You can however switch to other views by clicking the icons on the left pane of the Kontact window refer to Figure 13-2 . For example Figure 13-2 shows Kontact after you click the Calendar icon. In this case Kontact displays the output of KOrganizer the KDE calendar program. The KOrganizer program displays a calendar view where you can click a date to set or view that day s schedule. Figure 13-2 shows a typical calendar. Figure 13-2 On the KDE desktop use Kontact to store your appointments and view your calendar. You can go to a .