tailieunhanh - Speaking and Writing Strategies for the TOEFL iBT part 20

The TOEFL iBT consists of four test sections: reading, listening, speaking and writing- Because the reading and listening questions are all multiple-choice questions, they are called selective tasks. | Speaking Task One - 179 Reason 4 You are not confident using G TiC C. Solution 1. Practice developing and delivering responses until you have memorized G TiC C and you can remember it automatically without notes. Reason 5 You blank out. Solution 1. You are trying too hard or are too nervous. Try to relax. When you practice speaking don t time yourself just speak until you are confident. When you are more confident then time yourself. 2. Forget about trying to demonstrate OPDUL C. Just speak. The more you speak the more confident you will become. Clean Start A clean start means you start speaking with no hesitation. You state your opinion clearly and succinctly then progress to your supporting illustration for example G Personally I think that students should have part-time jobs while in high school. TiC For example when I was a high school student I had a job at an English bookstore in Budapest Hungary. My job was to put books on the shelves and help customers. Rough Start A rough start means you are using conversational non academic English. This will result in a lack of fluency and automaticity OPDUL C and coherence OPDUL C for example G Yo. I think it s good. Working in high school. Everybody should do it. Make some money. Cool. TiC A good example There are lots. Really. Clean End A clean end means you clearly and succinctly restate your opinion and stop. Resist the temptation to say more or to correct yourself for example C For those reasons working in a bookstore in high school really helped me to become more independent and responsible. 180 - Speaking Task One Rough End A rough end means you are speaking conversationally. This will result in a lack of fluency and automaticity OPDUL C and coherence OPDUL C for example C Working was you know fun. Everybody should do it. That s all. No. Actually I hated it. Money causes nothing but problems. Is this microphone on Advanced Strategies To maximize scoring apply the following advanced strategies to develop a basic .