tailieunhanh - Speaking and Writing Strategies for the TOEFL iBT part 16

An argument map will guide you through each speaking and writing task from start to finish. On the way, each argument map will tell you (depending on the task) what to say or write, where to say or write it, how to say or write it, and why. This, in turn, will maximize scoring. | Integrated Essay - 139 After listening to the lecture read the prompt. Prompt Summarize the points made in the lecture and show how they cast doubt on the points made in the reading. TASK You have 20 minutes to write your response. Task 4 Directions Read the following passage. You have 3 minutes. Organic food is very trendy these days. Everywhere you go people are jumping on the organic bandwagon. I used to be organic. I did. But I kicked the habit. Believe me I d bought all the arguments like the one that says that organic food is priced the same as non organic. Right. Let me give you an example of just how wrong that argument is. At my local grocery store a small box of organic strawberries costs four dollars. Four dollars for maybe twelve strawberries I can buy twice that many non organic strawberries for half that price. The fact is organic fruits and vegetables are a good forty to fifty percent more expensive than non organic. Imagine trying to feed a family of four at those prices. You d have to take out a bank loan every time you went shopping. Another thing about organic is that it s not always easy to get. At my local grocery store I can buy organic fruit and vegetables no problem but not organic rice or grains like barley and wheat. If I want organic rice I have to drive ten miles across town through heavy traffic to a health food store that doesn t take credit cards. Then I have drive all the way back home. All that for five pounds of rice. Believe me it s easier just to grab a bag of good old non organic rice at my local grocery store. And what about taste Does my family even know the difference between organic and non organic No. A good example is organic milk. I used to buy it all the time but I stopped because it was more expensive than non organic. Did my husband and kids miss the organic milk Did they suddenly notice a taste change from organic to non organic milk Not at all. Food for thought next time you wander through the organic section of your