tailieunhanh - SQL Server Tacklebox- P19

SQL Server Tacklebox- P19: This book, as with almost all books, started out as an idea. I wanted to accumulate together those scripts and tools that I have built over the years so that DBAs could sort through them and perhaps adapt them for their own circumstances. | 3 The migratory data Figure Setting up initial restore of secondary database for Log Shipping. Figure Setting up Copy Files options for Transaction Log Shipping. 90 3 The migratory data The next and final Restore Transaction Log tab is very important. This is where you set the database state to either No Recovery or Standby mode. You will want to use Standby mode if you are planning on using the target database as a reporting database while still allowing subsequent logs to be applied. The other important option is Disconnect users in the database when restoring backups seen in Figure . Without this important option the log restore would fail because the database would be in use. Figure Checking Standby Mode and Disconnect Users. Once all of the backup and restore options are set you can choose whether or not you want to use the log shipping monitoring service. Essentially this is an alerting mechanism in case there are any issues with the log shipping process. I do not typically set up the monitoring service though it may be useful in your environment. Once you are happy with the backup and restore options select OK and everything else will be done for you including backing up and restoring the source and target databases and setting up all SQL Agent jobs to backup copy and restore the transaction logs on an automated schedule. Figure shows the completion of these steps. 91 3 The migratory data Figure Log Shipping setup completed. With log shipping setup and configured for Standby mode you have conquered two very important DBAs tasks Separating source data from transaction data for reporting to reduce the risk of contention with online processes on production Assuring a secondary backup of the source data in case there is disaster. As I mentioned earlier however there are downsides to log shipping such as the difficulty in creating indexes on the target and assigning specific permissions to users both hard to do when the database is .