tailieunhanh - Anonymous Methods and Delegates

Chưa xác định phương pháp và đại biểu Tất cả các ví dụ về cách thêm một phương pháp để một đại biểu mà bạn đã thấy cho đến nay sử dụng tên của phương pháp. Ví dụ, trở về kịch bản nhà máy tự động hiển thị trước đó | Anonymous Methods and Delegates All the examples of adding a method to a delegate that you have seen so far use the method s name. For example returning to the automated factory scenario shown earlier to add the StopFolding method of the folder object to the stopMachinery delegate we did this This approach is very useful if there is a convenient method that matches the signature of the delegate but what if this is not the case Suppose that the StopFolding method actually had the following signature void StopFolding int shutDownTime Shut down within the specified number of seconds This is now different from the FinishWelding and PaintOff methods therefore we cannot use the same delegate to handle all three methods. Creating a Method Adapter The way around this problem is to create another method that calls StopFolding but that takes no parameters itself like this void FinishFolding O Shutdown immediately __ NOTE The FinishFolding method is a classic example of an Adapter a method that converts or adapts a method to give it a different signature. This pattern is very common and is one of the set of patterns documented in the book Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Architecture by Gamma Helm Johnson and Vlissides Addison-Wesley Professional 1994 . In many cases adapter methods such as this are small and it is easy to lose them in a sea of methods especially in a large class. Furthermore apart from using it to adapt the StopFolding method for use by the delegate it is unlikely to be called elsewhere. C provides anonymous methods for situations such as this. Using an Anonymous Method as an Adapter An anonymous method is a method that does not have a name. This sounds very strange but anonymous methods are actually quite useful. There might well be occassions when you have a block of code that you are never going to call directly but you would like to be able to invoke using a delegate. The .