tailieunhanh - Creating Your Application

Tạo ứng dụng của bạn Ví dụ, bạn sẽ tạo ra một ứng dụng cho phép một người sử dụng đầu vào và các chi tiết hiển thị cho các thành viên của Bell Middleshire Ringers Hiệp hội, một bộ sưu tập quý của campanologists tốt nhất. | Creating Your Application As an example you are going to create an application that allows a user to input and display details for members of the Middleshire Bell Ringers Association an esteemed collection of the finest campanologists. Initially you will keep the application very simple concentrating on laying out the form and making sure that it all works. In later chapters you will provide menus and learn how to implement validation to ensure that the data that is entered makes sense. The following graphic shows what the application will look like after you have completed it. You can see the completed version by running located in the Microsoft Press Visual CSharp Step by Step Chapter 20 BellRingers Complete BellRingers bin Debug folder in your My Documents folder. Creating a Windows Forms Application In this exercise you ll start building the Middleshire Bell Ringers Association application by creating a new project laying out the form and adding Windows Forms controls to the form. Because you have been using existing Windows Forms applications in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 in previous chapters much of the first couple of exercises will be a review for you. Create the Middleshire Bell Ringers Association project 1. Start Visual Studio 2005. 2. On the File menu point to New and then click Project. 3. In the Project Types pane select Visual C . 4. In the Templates pane select Windows Application. 5. In the Name text box type BellRingers. 6. In the Location list box navigate to the Microsoft Press Visual CSharp Step by Step Chapter 20 folder in your My Documents folder. 7. Click OK. The new project is created and contains a blank form called Form1. Set the properties of the form 1. Select the form in the Designer View window. In the Properties window click the Name property and then type MemberForm in the Name text box to change the name of the form. If the Properties window is not displayed click Properties Window on the View menu or press F4. 2.