tailieunhanh - Brad’s Sure Guide to SQL Server Maintenance Plans- P15

Brad’s Sure Guide to SQL Server Maintenance Plans- P15: SQL Server has a reputation as being a simple database application to install, configure, and maintain. This is a little misleading. SQL Server is a powerful relational database that can handle the needs of the largest organizations and, as such, its proper maintenance almost certainly requires the attention of an experienced DBA. | Chapter 3 Getting Started with the Maintenance Plan Wizard Figure Since I am the only Operator there are no other names to choose from. As you will see you can only select a single operator. If you want to send Maintenance Plan reports to multiple users you will need to have set up an operator that uses a group e-mail account in which case each e-mail will be sent to every member of the group each time the plan runs. Note also that just because you receive an e-mail report after a Maintenance Plan executed you shouldn t necessarily assume that the plan executed successfully. You ll need to delve into the details of the report to ensure that each task within the plan did indeed complete as expected. In Chapter 17 covering the Maintenance Plan Designer we will discuss an alternative e-mail notification option that makes it easier to notify operators of problems with Maintenance Plans. Completing the Wizard After completing the Select Report Options screen click Next and the Complete the Wizard screen shown in Figure displays all the tasks you have configured and also allows you to drill down to see what options you have set. 1 don t find this screen very useful as 1 already know what 1 just did. 71 Chapter 3 Getting Started with the Maintenance Plan Wizard Figure You can drill down into each of the tasks on this screen to see what settings you have configured. At this point click on Finish to create the Maintenance Plan and reach the very last Maintenance Wizard screen as shown in Figure . 72 Chapter 3 Getting Started with the Maintenance Plan Wizard Figure Hopefully you will see all successes. The Wizard creates the Maintenance Plan and the Maintenance Plan Wizard Progress screen tells you if all the steps were successful. If you see all successes you are done and can now test your Maintenance Plan. If you encounter any errors or warnings a message link will appear next to the problem. Given the large number of potential warnings or errors .