101 QUICK AND EASY SECRETS FOR USING YOUR DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHS- P38:Millions of people around the world have many photos stored on their laptop and desktop computers, external hard drives, CDs and DVDs, and flash drives. Most images are just sitting there idle, waiting for the world to see them. Some have been unused for years. Up until now there has been no guide to help people find ways to use these photos. | Promoting Yourself 171 Another reason why you might want to print out samples of your best images is so you can show your work at photo festivals around the country when there are photographers available to review it. Some festivals such as Palm Springs Photo Festival have seasoned photographers that you can pay to review your work. One thing is for sure they won t want to look at your work on a computer as printing is part of the photography process and they will want to critique that as well as other aspects of the photography. The last and most important reason for aspiring artists to print out your photos is to show them to different gallery owners after you ve set up a meeting with them. If they are serious about accepting your work into their gallery they will first look at your digital images and then if they like those they will want to see them in print in a portfolio. NOTE You can also print out contact sheets of your body of work in Photoshop by navigating to File Automate Contact can then give these to gallery owners. See Figure . Figure A contact sheet made in Photoshop. 172 Promoting Yourself A portfolio should have no more than 25 images. It should contain images as large as ones you would include in a gallery show if possible so if the gallery owner likes them all you have to do is mat and frame the images. In addition to mentioned in Chapter 1 also has different professional portfolio options. The most important thing you can do with your portfolio is make sure it contains a body of work that is a group of images that relate to one another. Remember if you want an art show of your own it s best to have some kind of theme. For more about themes in photography see 101 Quick and Easy Secrets to Create Winning Photographs Course Technology PTR 2009 . Creating a Google Knol A knol is an article platform put out by Google. A knol is