tailieunhanh - Adobe Flash CS3: The Professional Portfolio- P77

Adobe Flash CS3: The Professional Portfolio- P77:Now you can easily create web-ready images and animations within the familiar Adobe environment. With the recent acquisition of Macromedia, Adobe has added Flash to its suite of creative products, thus solidifying its position as the world's leading developer of graphic and visual communications tools. The Against The Clock Portfolio Series Flash title ensures that you'll learn everything you need to complete any job that requires Flash skills | menus 2 methods 206 miter limit 43 modify onion markers 87 89 morphing 93 motion guides 170 motion paths 173-177 motion tweens 81 91 98 108 182 MOUSE_UP event 336 MouseEvent class 220 221 239 mouth shapes 269 MOV format 80 255 291 movie clips 113 136-146 174 207-211 MP3 format 255 284 MPEG format 291 N named instances 142 nested folders 114 nested movie clips 170 180-183 nested tools 3 New Document dialog box 9 newsymbol 114 116-118 null data type 224 number data type 225 NumericStopper component 304 o_ object-drawing mode 19 20 21 32 33 167 173 objects 206 omit trace options 79 onion skinning 69 81 87-89 91 opacity 102 open external library 10 123 orient to path 169 origin point 106 out point 296 outline mode 52 81 145 Oval tool 3 20-22 162 166 171 over frame 131 134 259 260 over state 127 override sound settings 79 286 P_ packages 206 paint behind 53 54 Paint Bucket tool 3 46-47 57-59 63 paint fills 54 paint inside 54 paint selection 53 54 panels 4 paragraph alignment 184 Parameters panel 305 307-310 314 357 358 parameters 207 password 79 paste frames 141 paste in place 38 40 106 139 174 181 paused at start 156 Pen tool 3 18 25-27 28 29 35 Pencil tool 3 18 35-38 permit debugging 79 place objects at original position 72 73 82 play 262 playhead 74-77 84 87 146 192 263 272-274 PNG format 78 80 344 PNG Sequence 80 polygon 17 preferences 1 4 5 37 preloader 161 275-280 preview 307 primitive shapes 17 PROGRESS event 278 ProgressBar component 304 progressive download 257 299 301 Properties Inspector 1 10 11 21 25 36 41 43 44 48 49 90 95 97 100 108 117 124 132 142 143 144 147 161 162 171 175 184 185 186 187 191 242 257 259 260 263 277 302 305 323 332 333 334 339 355 357 properties 151 206 215-218 protect from import 79 publish settings 78 148 154-156 191 192 194 286 325 Q Quality 156 294 QuickTime 80 R radial gradients 57 62 163 .