tailieunhanh - Wind turbine and turbomachinery computational analysis with the ale and space time variational multiscale methods and isogeometric discretization

This paper present, as examples of challenging computations performed, computational analysis of horizontaland vertical-axis wind turbines and ow-driven string dynamics in pumps. | VOLUME 4 ISSUE 1 2020 March Wind Turbine and Turbomachinery Computational Analysis with the ALE and Space Time Variational Multiscale Methods and Isogeometric Discretization 1 2 2 3 Yuri BAZILEVS Kenji TAKIZAWA Tayfun E. TEZDUYAR 4 2 2 1 Ming-Chen HSU Yuto OTOGURO Hiroki MOCHIZUKI Michael . WU 1 Brown University Providence Rhode Island USA 2 Waseda University Tokyo Japan 3 Rice University Houston Texas USA 4 Iowa State University Ames Iowa USA Corresponding Author Yuri BAZILEVS email yuri_bazilevs@ Received 12-Feb-2020 accepted 14-Feb-2020 published 31-Mar-2020 DOI http Abstract. The challenges encountered in com- Keywords putational analysis of wind turbines and tur- bomachinery include turbulent rotational ows Wind turbine pump string dynamics complex geometries moving boundaries and in- FSI space-time VMS method ALE-VMS terfaces such as the rotor motion and the method isogeometric analysis. uid structure interaction FSI such as the FSI between the wind turbine blade and the air. The Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian ALE and Space Time ST Variational Multiscale 1. Introduction VMS methods and isogeometric discretization Complexity level and reliability of computa- have been e ective in addressing these chal- tional analysis of wind turbines and turboma- lenges. The ALE-VMS and ST-VMS serve as chinery de ne the practical value of the com- core computational methods. They are supple- putations. The Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian mented with special methods like the Slip Inter- ALE and Space Time ST Variational Mul- face SI method and ST Isogeometric Analysis tiscale VMS methods and isogeometric dis- with NURBS basis functions in time. We de- cretization are now enabling in wind turbine and scribe the core and special methods and present turbomachinery computational analysis a com- as examples of challenging computations per- plexity level that re ects the actual conditions formed computational analysis of horizontal- with