tailieunhanh - NTC's Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 10

NTC's Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 10. The small but very concise NTC's Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases offers 6,000 basic and common English words plus 6,000 basic and common English idioms and phrases. You will find this portable title essential in the classroom, at home, or traveling, when you need help to recall word and phrase meanings. | bowels bowels n. the inner part of something the inner workings of something. bowl bol 1. n. a deep rounded dish a deep rounded container. 2. n. the contents of Q. 3. n. the part of a pipe that holds the tobacco. 4. iv. to play the game of bowling. bowl someone over 1. to knock someone over. 2. to astound someone. Figurative. bowling bo lig n. a game where a player rolls a large hard ball along a narrow wooden floor in order to knock down as many as possible of the ten pins at the other end. No plural. bowling alley bo lig a1 i 1. n. the path down which one rolls a large hard ball in the game of bowling. 2. n. the building containing a series of Q. box baks 1. n. a rigid cubeshaped container used for storage or delivery. 2. n. the contents of Q. 3. n. a private seating area in a sports stadium theater etc. 4. n. an empty square printed on a piece of paper or on a form. 5. n. a square or rectangular container or receptacle designed for any of a number of special functions. safe ty -deposit box STUFF THE BALLOT BOX box someone or something in to trap or confine someone or something. boy boi n. a male human not yet fully matured. SEPARATE THE MEN FROM THE BOYS the boys a group of one s male friends. brace bres 1. n. a support something that holds something else in place. 2. tv. to prepare oneself for an impact or some other strong force. 3. tv. to prepare oneself for bad news. brace someone or something up to prop up or add support to someone or something. bracelet bres lit n. a piece of jewelry worn around the wrist. braces n. metal wires or bands attached to teeth to straighten them. Treated as plural but not countable. bracket brAk it 1. n. an L-shaped object attached to a wall to support a shelf. 2. n. a printed character used to set off items or to enclose a set of words. 3. tv. to enclose words in @ such as these words . TAX BRACKET brag brAg 1. iv. to boast to say too many good things about oneself. 2. tv. to claim something in a boastful manner. The object is