tailieunhanh - NTC's Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 47

NTC's Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 47. The small but very concise NTC's Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases offers 6,000 basic and common English words plus 6,000 basic and common English idioms and phrases. You will find this portable title essential in the classroom, at home, or traveling, when you need help to recall word and phrase meanings. | personnel personnel p s@ nel n. the people who work for a company or organization. No plural. perspective on something a way of looking at a situation and determining what is important. perspire p spai iv. to sweat. persuade p swed tv. to use argument or discussion to cause someone to do or think something. persuasion p swe 3@n n. efforts to persuade someone of something. No plural. BE OF THE PERSUASION THAT something is so pertain to someone or something p ten. to have to do with someone or something to be relevant to someone or something. pesky pes ki adj. being a pest Q or W irritating annoying troublesome. Adv peskily. Comp peskier sup peskiest. pest pest 1. n. any animal or insect that destroys crops spreads disease or enters people s homes. 2. n. someone or something that causes trouble someone or something that is a nuisance. pester pes t tv. to bother someone to annoy someone. pet pet 1. n. an animal that is kept in one s home or yard as a companion. 2. adj. of an animal kept as Q. Prenominal only. 3. adj. special particular favorite. Prenominal only. 4. tv. to stroke or pat someone or some creature. BE THE TEACHER S PET HOUSE PET one s pet hate one s pet peeve petal pet @l n. one of the colored sections of the blossom of a flower. petite p@ tit 1. adj. of a woman small of a woman short. From French. Adv petitely. 2. adj. of a clothing size or range of sizes fitting women who are Q. petition p@ ti J@n 1. n. a document signed by many people who are demanding something from someone. 2. tv. to request something formally of a government or of an authority often through the use of Q. The object can be a clause with that @. petroleum p@ tro li @m n. oil that is pumped from under the ground used to make gasoline and other substances. No plural. phantom fAn t@m 1. n. a ghost an image or memory that is seen by the mind in a dream or in a vision but is not real. 2. adj. like a ghost unreal apparent but not real. phase fez 1. n. a stage in the development of someone .