tailieunhanh - Demonstration of hybrid castor with onion as intercrop under drip fertigation system

To popularize rabi castor cultivation with onion intercrop in drip fertigation in Salem and Namakkal district demonstration were conducted under farmers participatory approach. The castor with onion intercropping through drip fertigation was introduced in different blocks in Namakkal and Salem districts in an area of 18 ha with total beneficiaries of 43. On observing the yield and economics, the results revealed that the average castor yield of 4 tonnes/ha and onion intercrop yield of 5 tonnes/ha was recorded in the farmer’s field and the higher gross return of and net return of and B:C ratio of was received with castor + onion intercrop. Introduction of onion as intercrop has given double the return then what they are getting previously other cropping systems with normal irrigation system. | Demonstration of hybrid castor with onion as intercrop under drip fertigation system