tailieunhanh - Influence of PGPR and Zinc enriched fym on growth and yield of rice at different levels of phosphors in an Inceptisol of Varanasi, India

Field experiments were carried out during Kharif seasons of 2013-14 and 2014-15 at the Agricultural Research Farm, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (.) to study the effect of PGPR and Zinc enriched FYM on yield and growth attributes of rice at different levels of phosphors in an Inceptisol of Varanasi. The treatments consisted five levels of enriched FYM (M0= No FYM, M1= only FYM, M2= PGPR enriched FYM, M3= PGPR and Zn @ kg ha-1 enriched FYM and M4= PGPR and Zn @ kg ha-1 enriched FYM) and four levels of phosphors (0, 20, 40 and 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 ). The experiment was replicated thrice in a Randomized block design in Factorial experiment. The results showed that, the application of PGPR and Zinc enriched FYM was significantly increased the yield and growth attributes of rice. | Influence of PGPR and Zinc enriched fym on growth and yield of rice at different levels of phosphors in an Inceptisol of Varanasi India