tailieunhanh - Animal feed technologies as an appraisal parameter in pre-service para-veterinary professionals to bridge the productivity gap in dairy cattle

Animal Nutrition constitutes 60-65% of total cost in dairy enterprise. The objective to reduce the feeding costs needs emphasis on knowledge and utilization of latest feed technologies which can reduce the productivity gap. Extension plays an important role in diffusion of any such technology and local para-veterinary professionals are one of the key agents for this. Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University (GADVASU) Ludhiana offers two year diploma course in Veterinary pharmacy at Veterinary Polytechnic College, Kaljharani, Bathinda (Punjab). One batch of 55 students were tested for their cognitive domain about animal feed technologies (Bypass fat, Bypass protein, Mineral mixture, Silage making, Tube silage, Total mixed ration, Feed block, Feed pelleting, Urea treatment of wheat straw, Uromin lick and Buffer) during their internship. The study revealed that students had their knowledge level in low and medium level category. | Animal feed technologies as an appraisal parameter in pre-service para-veterinary professionals to bridge the productivity gap in dairy cattle