tailieunhanh - Zend PHP Certification Study Guide- P11

Zend PHP Certification Study Guide- P11: Hãy thẳng thừng, Giả sử bạn đang thuê một ai đó để giám sát hệ thống và PHP của bạn có nó thu hẹp xuống để hai ứng cử viên. Một trong những ứng cử viên nói, "Oh yeah, tôi biết tất cả về PHP." Các ứng cử viên khác nói, "Oh yeah, tôi biết tất cả về PHP, tôi đã được thông qua kỳ thi chứng chỉ Zend." câu hỏi tiếp theo của bạn có thể sẽ là "Zend Chứng nhận là gì?" Và các ứng viên nói, "Một công ty chuyên về. | 184 Chapter 11 Security 9. What is the purpose of the open_basedir directive A. To indicate the directory that include calls will use as a base. B. To restrict file open access to a specific directory. C. To set the working directory. D. To allow additional file open access than that granted by safe_mode. Answer B is correct. Answer A is incorrect because the behavior of include is unchanged. Answer C is incorrect because the working directory does not depend on open_basedir. Answer D is incorrect because open_basedir is not affected by whether safe_mode is enabled. 10. Which of the following activities can safe_mode help prevent A. Browsing the filesystem with a specially crafted PHP script. B. Writing a Bash shell script to read session data. C. Browsing the filesystem with a specially crafted Perl script. D. Accessing another user s database. Answer A is correct because you ll only be able to browse files that have the same ownership as your PHP script. Answers B and C are incorrect because safe_mode cannot affect scripts written in other languages. Answer D is incorrect because safe_mode does not attempt to prevent database access. 12 Debugging and Performance l AKING MISTAKES IS HUMAN and so is fixing them. In your day-to-day programming adventures it s inevitable to introduce bugs in your PHP code especially when you re writing very complex applications with tens of thousands of lines of code spread across tens of files. When you re prototyping an application being able to avoid common programming mistakes is important to ensure that your code will be well-written from the very start. In this chapter we ll provide you with some guidelines on writing efficient code debugging faulty scripts and identifying bottlenecks when performance becomes an issue for both you and your clients. Terms You ll Need to Understand Bug Coding standard Code readability Comparison operators Performance Caching Portability Techniques You ll Need to Master Writing readable code .