tailieunhanh - Nuclear data adjustment based on the interpretation of post-irradiation experiments with the DARWIN2.3 package

This paper presents a method to assimilate these integral trends for improving nuclear data. In this study, the method is applied to 137Cs/238U concentration ratio. Results suggest an increase of the 235U cumulated thermal fission yield in 137Cs by (+ ± )%, from to ± . | Nuclear data adjustment based on the interpretation of post-irradiation experiments with the package EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 4 47 2018 Nuclear Sciences A. Rizzo et al. published by EDP Sciences 2018 amp Technologies https epjn 2018033 Available online at https REGULAR ARTICLE Nuclear data adjustment based on the interpretation of post-irradiation experiments with the package Axel Rizzo1 Claire Vaglio-Gaudard2 Gilles Noguere1 Julie-Fiona Martin3 Vanessa Vallet1 and Romain Eschbach1 1 CEA DEN DER SPRC Cadarache 13108 Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance France 2 CEA DEN DER SESI Cadarache 13108 Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance France 3 AREVA NC BU Recyclage Paris France Received 30 October 2017 Received in final form 20 February 2018 Accepted 17 May 2018 Abstract. is the French reference package dedicated to fuel cycle applications computing fuel inventory as well as decay heat neutron emissions a b and g spectra. The package fuel inventory calculation was experimentally validated with Post-Irradiation Experiments PIEs mainly consisting in irradiated fuel pellets analysis. This paper presents a method to assimilate these integral trends for improving nuclear data. In this study the method is applied to 137Cs 238U concentration ratio. Results suggest an increase of the 235U cumulated thermal fission yield in 137Cs by from to . 1 Introduction allows taking into account isotopes and reactions that are not described in the simplified filiation chains used in 137 Cs is a nuclide of interest for the nuclear fuel cycle 1 APOLLO2 or ERANOS2. mostly because it is a convenient burnup indicator thanks The reference calculation scheme used for to its g-ray emission. It is therefore of major importance to PWR calculations called CYCLE2008-PWR 2 is based compute its concentration in nuclear fuel as a function of on the recommended calculation scheme the combustion rate as .