tailieunhanh - Effect of organic and inorganic manure on the growth, yield and quality of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. Var. capitata L.)

The present investigation entitled “Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Growth, Yield and Quality of Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.)’’ was conducted at the experimental farm of the faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Allied Industries, Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur (.) during 2018-19. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design (RBD) with three replications comprising of 8 treatment combinations. The treatments were T1: Control, T2: Nitrogen + Vermicompost, T3: Nitrogen+ , T4: Zn + Nitrogen, T5: Phosphorus + , T6 : Potash + Boron, T7: Nitrogen + Phosphorus + Boron,T8 : + Vermicompost. Seeds of cabbage cv. ‘NS-183’ were sown in the nursery on 25th Sep., 2018 and transplanting was done on 27th Oct., 2018. Maximum plant height was recorded ( cm) in T7 (Nitrogen + Phosphorus + Boron) while minimum ( cm) was observed in T5 (Phosphorus + ).Plant spread was maximum ( cm) through recommended package of fertilization (T7) (Nitrogen + Phosphorus + Boron) fallowed by in T5 (Phosphorus + ) cm. Maximum stalk length were observed in T7 ( cm) and minimum T5 ( cm). Number of days taken to 50 % head maturity did not differ significantly and at least 50 % heads were harvested from 80th to 90th days from date of transplanting of seedlings. Polar ( cm) and equatorial diameter ( cm) as well as head shape index () were observed to be the maximum in T7 (Nitrogen + Phosphorus + Boron). The significantly highest yield ( kg/plot) from a plot area ( m2 ) was obtained in T7 (Nitrogen + Phosphorus + Boron) were found to minimum yield () T1 control. | Effect of organic and inorganic manure on the growth, yield and quality of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. Var. capitata L.)