tailieunhanh - Therapeutic proteins derived from recombinant DNA technology
The main aim of this study is to critically investigate in current up-to-date the technology of rDNA and its biomedical applications as therapeutic proteins. rDNA is the new technology and is a field of molecular biology where scientist reshape the DNA to form synthetic molecular that help to cure many diseases related to human being. A therapeutic proteins are proteins engineered in laboratory for pharmaceutical purpose, making of insulin is one of the most important benefits ever could be achieved by this technology. Therapeutic proteins are also used in different treatment such as Anemia, Hemophilia, Cancer, Hepatitis B and C and many more. A specific host cell like Bacteria is required to generate rDNA technology based proteins have a huge impact not only in disease related to human but also benefits agricultural and industry, on the other hand, there is a huge safety concerns affiliated with rDNA such as Virus's developing treatment resistance. However, the future of rDNAproducts as therapeutic proteins is looking bright in term of new development in science and technology. | 2020 9 1 2024-2032 EXCELLENT PUBLISHERS International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN 2319-7706 Volume 9 Number 1 2020 Journal homepage http Review Article https Therapeutic Proteins Derived from Recombinant DNA Technology Mabroukah Faraj El-Taher and Al-Yaqeen Medical Laboratory- Hoon city- Libya Faculty of Medical technology-University of Al-jufra-Libya Corresponding author ABSTRACT Keywords Therapeutic Proteins Recombinant DNA Article Info Accepted 15 December 2019 Available Online 20 January 2020 The main aim of this study is to critically investigate in current up-to-date the technology of rDNA and its biomedical applications as therapeutic proteins. rDNA is the new technology and is a field of molecular biology where scientist reshape the DNA to form synthetic molecular that help to cure many diseases related to human being. A therapeutic proteins are proteins engineered in laboratory for pharmaceutical purpose making of insulin is one of the most important benefits ever could be achieved by this technology. Therapeutic proteins are also used in different treatment such as Anemia Hemophilia Cancer Hepatitis B and C and many more. A specific host cell like Bacteria is required to generate rDNA technology based proteins have a huge impact not only in disease related to human but also benefits agricultural and industry on the other hand there is a huge safety concerns affiliated with rDNA such as Virus s developing treatment resistance. However the future of rDNAproducts as therapeutic proteins is looking bright in term of new development in science and technology. Introduction A biotechnology is an industrial process that is being used for the scientific research on DNA for gaining practical benefits Walsh 2006 . The new advancement of recombinant DNA rDNA technology and the tools affiliated has seen a rapid growth of biotechnology firms. .
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