tailieunhanh - Antiviral Vaccines

The Chinese noticed that children who recovered from smallpox did not contract the disease a second time They infected young children with material from a smallpox scab to induce immunity in these children, a process known as variolation The use of variolation spread to England and America but was eventually stopped due to the risk of death | Antiviral Vaccines Immunizations 2 artificial methods to make an individual immune to a disease -Active immunization-administration of a vaccine so that the patient actively mounts a protective immune response - Passive immunization-individual acquires immunity through the transfer of antibodies formed by an immune individual or animal History of Immunization The Chinese noticed that children who recovered from smallpox did not contract the disease a second time They infected young children with material from a smallpox scab to induce immunity in these children a process known as variolation The use of variolation spread to England and America but was eventually stopped due to the risk of death Edward Jenner found that protection against smallpox could be induced by inoculation with material from an individual infected with cowpox a similar but much milder .