tailieunhanh - Negativland - a home for all findings in Psychology

Psychology has been historically plagued by the under-reporting of both replications and null findings. The avoidance of these core ingredients of scientific practice means that the psychology literature is unquestionably distorted. The bias in psychology is pervasive and systemic, afflicting researchers, reviewers, editors and journals, all of whom are wed to pursuing the novel and the curious at the expense of the reliable. | Laws BMC Psychology 2013 1 2 http content 1 1 2 BMC Psychology COMMENTARY Open Access Negativland - a home for all findings in Psychology Keith R Laws Abstract Psychology has been historically plagued by the under-reporting of both replications and null findings. The avoidance of these core ingredients of scientific practice means that the psychology literature is unquestionably distorted. The bias in psychology is pervasive and systemic afflicting researchers reviewers editors and journals all of whom are wed to pursuing the novel and the curious at the expense of the reliable. Psychology therefore operates in a manner that is askew of other sciences with the links between replicability and believability seemingly much weaker. Additional problems follow from the distorted way that psychology currently operates - including spinning findings publication bias and sadly outright fraud. Such problems represent a serious challenge for psychologists to get their house-in-order - and one step is to make sure that replications and null findings find a home in psychology rather than remain our dirty little secrets that further eat away at the credibility of our science. . .if the goal of scientific research is to render established truths then the neglect of replication must be viewed as scientific irresponsibility Smith 1 . But Professor Laws our findings are negative and so we don t have much to write about Anyone who has taught a psychology lab will have heard a variant of this phrase innumerable times. The corollary is usually a discussion containing the obligatory reference to . .our results would could should be significant if we had tested more participants . This aversion to the null hypothesis or so-called negative findings is by no means new to psychology and . .is arguably one of the most pernicious and unscientific aspects of modern social science. Fergusson Heene 2 . Most ominously though psychology seems to fare worse than many