tailieunhanh - Morphological character and seed yield potential of coriander genotypes under Gangetic alluvial region of west Bengal

The present investigation was carried out during the year 2014-15 and 2015-16 for studying the yield and quality parameters in 12 germplasms at HRS, Mandouri, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Nadia, West Bengal. The experimental design was RBD and evaluation studies were carried out on the basis of morphology and yield parameters. The germplasm NRCS showed the maximum days to to harvest were minimum ingenotype Manipur collection-1. Plant height, length oflongest basal leaves, Number of umbels per plant, number of umbellets per umbel, test weight, seed yield per plant, yield per plot, and projected yield per hectare were recorded maximum in the vareity Pant Haritma. Number of basal leaves was recorded highest in Arka Isha with per plant. Number of primary branches, number of secondary branches and number of seed per umbel were highest in NRCSS . | Morphological character and seed yield potential of coriander genotypes under Gangetic alluvial region of west Bengal