tailieunhanh - Mimic pollination in ornamental plants

Pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma. Mimicry in plants is where a plant organism evolves to resemble another organism physically or chemically, increasing the mimic's Darwinian fitness. Mimicry in plants has been studied far less than mimicry in animals, with fewer documented cases and peer-reviewed studies. It may provide protection against herbivory, or may deceptively encourage mutualists, like pollinators, to provide a service without offering a reward in return. Pollination is a very important part of the life cycle of plants. Insects, birds, bats and the wind take pollen between flowering plants, which means the plants can make seeds and reproduce. Its significance is to carry the pollen grains to the stigma for the process of fertilisation. | Review Article https Mimic Pollination in Ornamental Plants A. Sankari P. Loganayki and M. Anand 1HC RI TN AU India 2Depatment of Floriculture and Landscaping TNAU India 3HRS Yercaud India Corresponding author ABSTRACT Keywords Mimic pollination Ornamental plants Butterfly Bird Article Info Accepted 20 March 2019 Available Online 10 April 2019 Pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma. Mimicry in plants is where a plant organism evolves to resemble another organism physically or chemically increasing the mimic s Darwinian fitness. Mimicry in plants has been studied far less than mimicry in animals with fewer documented cases and peer-reviewed studies. It may provide protection against herbivory or may deceptively encourage mutualists like pollinators to provide a service without offering a reward in return. Pollination is a very important part of the life cycle of plants. Insects birds bats and the wind take pollen between flowering plants which means the plants can make seeds and reproduce. Its significance is to carry the pollen grains to the stigma for the process of fertilisation. Introduction Mimicry in plants Mimicry in plants is where a plant organism evolves to resemble another organism physically or chemically increasing the mimic s Darwinian fitness. Mimicry in plants has been studied far less than mimicry in animals with fewer documented cases and peer-reviewed studies. It may provide protection against herbivory or may deceptively encourage mutualists like pollinators to provide a service without offering a reward in return 1 2 3 . Advantages of mimicry plants It attracts the pollinators Escape the predation from herbivores It maintains the diversity 2969 2019 8 4 2969-2974 Mimic plants will maintain the descendents characters Pseudocopulation increase pollination capacity Mimic in plants is a vivid demonstration of natural