tailieunhanh - Variability in morphology and growth characteristics of different isolates of Entomopathogenic fungi managing the mealy bugs Maconellicocus hirsutus

Current research efforts are directed towards native entomopathogenic fungi which are highly virulent to insect pests to develop efficient and eco-friendly bio-pesticides. From the insect cadavers fifteen different fungal isolates were isolated on DOC2-50% selective media and were identifying as isolates of Aspergillus tamari, A. niger and A. flavus. All the fifteen isolates showed variation in all the morphological characters studied. Highest mean colony diameter (mm) was reported in isolate EPF-14 at all the time intervals. The lowest mean colony diameter (mm) was reported in isolate EPF-13 at 24, 72 and 96 hr interval while at 48 hrs the lowest mean colony diameter (mm) was reported in isolate EPF-9. The most of the isolates were not produced any colony pigmentation on PDA media. The isolates EPF-12 and EPF-15 were grayish green color, while EPF-1 and EPF-7 observed light grayish green color. The isolate EPF-5 was dark grayish green color while, EPF-13 was yellowish grayish green color. | Variability in morphology and growth characteristics of different isolates of Entomopathogenic fungi managing the mealy bugs Maconellicocus hirsutus