tailieunhanh - Effect of different treatments on spawn run time of paddy straw mushroom, Volvariella Volvacea

The experiment laid out at mushroom production technology laboratory of Department of Plant Pathology, Haryana Agricultural University during August 2013 and April 2014. Paddy straw mushroom was raised by using standard production technology given by DMR, Solan. Total ten treatments and control replicated three times were evaluated for effect on spawn run time. The results showed that maximum time taken for spawn run time recorded in control, however minimum in Novaluron 10 EC ( ml/l) which was statistically at par with Chlorpyrifos 20 EC (4 ml/l) and Novaluron (1 and ml/l) treatment. All hot water treatments and different concentration of Novaluron significantly lower(less time) than control. | Effect of different treatments on spawn run time of paddy straw mushroom, Volvariella Volvacea