tailieunhanh - Adoption level of Bi-voltine silkworm rearing practices among farmers of Chitradurga district, India

Sericulture is an agro based industry providing lively hood to about seven million of rural people in India. As sericulture activities comprises of both on farm and nonfarm activities it provides immense employment potential for both men and women alike. Studies on the adoption pattern and its level of profits obtained by adopting the hybrid variety of Bivoltine silkworm rearing in Karnataka are scanty Hence, owing to the increasing importance of hybrid Bi-voltine silkworm rearing and its importance in rural areas, the present study was undertaken with the objective to study the extent of adoption of Bivoltine silkworm rearing practices and their personal, socio-economic characteristic of sericulture farmers. The study was conducted in the year 2017-2018 in Molakalmuru, Challakere and Hiriyur taluks of Chitradurga district in Karnataka. From this district among the 120 respondents majority ( %) of the respondents of Bi-voltine silkworm rearing farmers belong to high adoption category. Whereas, and per cent of the respondents belong to medium and low adoption categories respectively. The relationship between Education, Mass media participation, Extension agency contact, and Extension participation were found to have significant relationship at one per cent level of significance. | Adoption level of Bi-voltine silkworm rearing practices among farmers of Chitradurga district, India