tailieunhanh - Handbook of Economic Forecasting part 57

Handbook of Economic Forecasting part 57. Research on forecasting methods has made important progress over recent years and these developments are brought together in the Handbook of Economic Forecasting. The handbook covers developments in how forecasts are constructed based on multivariate time-series models, dynamic factor models, nonlinear models and combination methods. The handbook also includes chapters on forecast evaluation, including evaluation of point forecasts and probability forecasts and contains chapters on survey forecasts and volatility forecasts. Areas of applications of forecasts covered in the handbook include economics, finance and marketing | 534 . Stock and . Watson survey with T 65 survey dates Figlewski 1983 found that using the optimal static factor model combination outperformed the simple weighted average. When Figlewski and Urich 1983 applied this methodology to a panel of n 20 weekly forecasts of the money supply however they were unable to improve upon the simple weighted average forecast. Recent studies on large-model forecasting have used pseudo-out-of-sample forecast methods that is recursive or rolling forecasts to evaluate and to compare forecasts. Stock and Watson 1999 considered factor forecasts for . inflation where the factors were estimated by PCA from a panel of up to 147 monthly predictors. They found that the forecasts based on a single real factor generally had lower pseudo-out-of-sample forecast error than benchmark autoregressions and traditional Phillips-curve forecasts. Stock and Watson 2002b found substantial forecasting improvements for real variables using dynamic factors estimated by PCA from a panel of up to 215 . monthly predictors a finding confirmed by Bernanke and Boivin 2003 . Boivin and Ng 2003 compared forecasts using PCA and weighted PCA estimators of the factors also for . monthly data n 147 . They found that weighted PCA forecasts tended to outperform PCA forecasts for real variables but not nominal variables. There also have been applications of these methods to . data. Forni et al. 2003b focused on forecasting Euro-wide industrial production and inflation HICP using a short monthly data set 1987 2-2001 3 with very many predictors n 447 . They considered both PCA and weighted PCA forecasts where the weighted principal components were constructed using the dynamic PCA weighting method of Forni et al. 2003a . The PCA and weighted PCA forecasts performed similarly and both exhibited modest improvements over the AR benchmark. Brisson Campbell and Galbraith 2002 examined the performance factor-based forecasts of Canadian GDP and investment .