tailieunhanh - Detection of haptoglobin in seminal plasma of Awassi rams and the relation with its level in serum and some semen parameters

The study was conducted to detect haptoglobin in seminal plasma (SP-Hp) of Awassi rams and the effect of the breeding season on its concentration, along with determining the correlation with its concentration in serum (S-Hp) and main semen variables. Pre-warmed artificial vagina was used to collect semen samples biweekly from five Awassi rams. Semen samples were evaluated for volume, concentration and sperm motility. Blood samples were collected 10–30 min after semen collection. The concentration of serum and seminal plasma Hp was determined using ELISA. The mean ± SESP-Hp concentrations ranged from ± to ± lg/ml, whereas those of S-Hp-ranged from ± to ± mg/ml. There was a significant (P | Detection of haptoglobin in seminal plasma of Awassi rams and the relation with its level in serum and some semen parameters