tailieunhanh - Greenhouse roses for cutflower production

Presentation article soil and pH, cooling, plant spacing, trellising, stimulation of bottom breaks on new plants, planting, stimulation of bottom breaks on old plants, building the canopy, weed control, fertiliser, disbudding, irrigation, pests, mites, botrytis flower blight, aphids, thrips, white fly, diseases, powdery mildew, flower harvesting, downy mildew, cane diseases, soil-borne diseases, postharvest handling, hydroponics and soil-less culture. | GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Department of Agriculture and Food Research Library Bulletins - 4000 Series 4-2008 Greenhouse roses for cutflower production Aileen Reid Follow this and additional works at http bulletins Part of the Horticulture Commons Recommended Citation Reid A. 2008 Greenhouse roses for cutflower production. Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia Perth. Bulletin 4738. This bulletin is brought to you for free and open access by Research Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulletins - 4000 Series by an authorized administrator of Research Library. For more information please contact . IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER This document has been obtained from DAFWA s research library website which hosts DAFWA s archival research publications. Although reasonable care was taken to make the information in the document accurate at the time it was first published DAFWA does not make any representations or warranties about its accuracy reliability currency completeness or suitability for any particular purpose. It may be out of date inaccurate or misleading or conflict with current laws polices or practices. DAFWA has not reviewed or revised the information before making the document available from its research library website. Before using the information you should carefully evaluate its accuracy currency completeness and relevance for your purposes. We recommend you also search for more recent information on DAFWA s research library website DAFWA s main website https and other appropriate websites and sources. Information in or referred to in documents on DAFWA s research library website is not tailored to the circumstances of individual farms people or businesses and does not constitute legal business scientific agricultural or farm management advice. We recommend before making any significant