tailieunhanh - Quantum mechanics introduction

Quantum mechanics introduction designed to teach students how to do quantum mechanics. This document covers the basic theory; the wave function, independent schrodinger equation, quantum mechanics in three dimensions; btarts immediately with quantum mechanics - the Schr dinger equation, and its statistical interpretation, is introduced on the second page. Explores several exceptionally up-to-date topics - ., adiabatic processes (and a treatment of Berrys phase); Bells theorem; the quantum Zeno paradox. | INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM MECHANICS DAVID J. GRIFFITHS Introduction to Quantum Mechanics David J. Griffiths Reed College Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River New Jersey 07458 Fundamental Equations Schrodinger equation ih- HV ut Time independent Schrodinger equation HiỊ Eíị Ý V e_ Et R Standard Hamiltonian ft2 2m Time dependence of an expectation value J ff. Generalized uncertainty principle A B Z2 Heisenberg uncertainty principle ơxơp ft 2 Canonical commutator z p in Angular momentum ihLz Ị -Lyj-Lz íhLXy Lx thLy Pauli matrices _ 0 1 _ ồ -i _ 1 0 o V oj .