tailieunhanh - Management your farm (Eighth edition): Part 2

(BQ) Continued part 1, part 2 of Management your farm (Eighth edition) has contents: Farm business organization and transfer, managing risk and uncertainty, enterprise analysis, managing income taxes, investment analysis, capital and credit, machinery management,. and other contents. Invite you to refer. | PART V Improving Management Skills The basic management sktlls presented in Parts 1 II. in. and IV will now be extended and applted to spectfic are s of dte farm or ranch busmes . In addtnon. some of the simplifying assumptions such as Imowing pricesandproductionin advance. will be rejaeep anddocision inakiiigiiiasiskvciis iroiiinciitxcilllx ilicpiisstgl. A bcgiiiiiinsl asins ioriaiiclo riiiaslducidai nwIiiCtvpciiSbiisiio ssi ruani atloir to use and thisdocisioosneutdbcreeiewed CirouahouidselifsoC i lie organÌAÚa n i i to tils Icealcnnoperationalframewerkie whtchmenaaembni decisionsare mnde aiidcaiTicdonii dlia pasiacnoieesincludesote 111 11 10x111. partnerep i 1X01010111 111 and I Cia iSi PbreycrnOiscusccO tnCPapter 14i0versimo. changermaamslysizsonPmgnl uomantlgoalSl taxruSuS eedamacluislaonditionewiil require adjestmeorste Oieorecnioctiicaelsn ocnae nSihe 11X11X1 11 Agriculiuaeis msde ivillicoiuplelainlSiie mation abnaillieSatsu . Usuoilyitnoceir sc xiiaaislveboal pilcsSlgls lds. and other production antllSnlSlalal ooixheias . is ChapterS5 SomemetPodraae presentedto improvsdacisionmaema undes anceieainiỊsandsonietecliniqiisa ose ir i usse Og-reducinginsrisk inheraniigaoriuchnaalgsodgctinOlmarketinc aneainancel A le ol ablel armor reiiclibiisieesss Ct nliinlle willhaceioutepastdS Ss ei-ol ita to meet its 11X01110 sah s e ís ii i .iea ts alSncloilincacli flowol brs C r aic -giHiHl 24e slows the growth in equity. Chapter 16 discusses how management decisions affect income taxes and why a manager should consider the tax effects of all decisions made also discussessomebasic taxiiKtiuigcinciitstratcgics dialiiiav be usefulto meatagoahotmaximiziny alSci -tcxpoiSit. Maayrasources nadin liyiaacliiiraare Ionasterna iovastments idot tir iipdtiiia aiiK iiiibid c qiitaL yycsciniLittiiiit iaci-oiiis dmat lacl she financial condition of the biisiiiessiornatiivveiiiia .