tailieunhanh - Design hotels in architectural design: Part 2

Design hotels in architectural design: Part 2 present the content provide images, design drawings of hotel famous designers in the world: Anouska Hempel, Aduardo Souto De Moura and Humberto Vieira, Peter Lorenz and Terence Coran, Cesar ruiz Larrea, Patrick Derderian, Joaquin Diez cascon, Michael Graces, Toyo to and Associates, German del Sol and Jose Cruz, Mathias Klotz and Felipe Assadi, Denton, Corker and Marshall, Kiyoshi sey Takeyama. | Located inside five perfectly restored Georgian mansions the hotel looks onto a small and simple Zen garden surrounded by trees. This space plays an integrative role creating a unitary atmosphere between the exterior and the interior of the hotel. Sỉtuado denlro de cỉncọ de esiilo geo giano perfectamente restauradas el hotel miro hacia un pequeno y sencillo ịardín Zen rodeado de arboles. Este espacio juego un pope infegra-dor creando uno atmosfera unitaria entre el exterior y el interior del hotel 12Ó In the garden designed in front of the hotel the architects generated a warm harmonious atmosphere in which oriental essence and minimalism merge with western joie de vivre. En el ịardín disenado frente al hotel se ho logrado generar una atmosfera cálỉda y armoniosa donde se fLinden la esenciolidad y el minìmalismo oriental con la alegrio vital de Occidents .