tailieunhanh - Marketing management (Second edition): Part 2

(BQ) Continued part 1, the document Marketing management (Second edition): Part 2 has contents: Advertising, sales promotion, and public relations; personal selling and direct marketing; promotional strategy and new media, manage pricing decisions, price and deliver the value offering,. and other contents. Invite you to refer. | PART Price and Deliver theValue Offering chapter 10 MANAGE PRICING DECISIONS chapterll MANAGE MARKETING CHANNELS AND POINTS OF CUSTOMER INTERFACE 293 CHAPTER 10 Manage Pricing Decisions LEARNING OBJECTIVES LOIO-1 Understand the integral role of price as a core component of value. L010-2 Explore different pricing objectives and related strategies. L010-3 Identify pricing tactics. L010-4 Describe approaches to setting the exact price. L010-5 Determine discounts and allowances to offer to channel members. L010-6 Understand how to execute price changes. L010-7 Examine legal considerations in pricing. PRICE IS A CORE COMPONENT OF VALUE You have learned that value is a ratio of the bundle of benefits a customer receives from an ạRngẸmsẠC Com by iNCUNTtFVA UE bundle of benefits. From the customer s perspective many but not all of those costs are reflected within the 3r Eĩ paid forfheoffering. Ofhere are othertypes of costs suchesffmemvosted inttce thtcheef processor Ute epporhmitytoefs of clioofinefeso ofh i in ovs cmethve Burfoe moetpurchasrar regaretesa of whetherthe s 0StingisV2CorBeB Shevasf majarityof eett cf h rirsff ciotedwsththe purchase .vise. Aetuch price ot morespeciaiecny tmecutfemos smeccaaObrtef the offeUng e pricing is o key deteominent of pereeiyod yalue. USVeo tiirtomers exhibit stronuty heed bdiers that o Sirm r ottooingsprovide Mghwtue Uteyiorj much moeeUOetysosemamluyiU fo o ttrmmafits looirdsot teeUys sctiwlv tell othereaUoms their favorable expbtidncet. yheo moskettvgmonogeet mluttí10e pricing dsuỉa ionsvetytetioilsly. l From amarkehngplanuingand staategy hyesyeohoe Micleisl Oorter has consistently ohvooated Otas lomotSllffts ebie Ooeampetebeeey eo tome extraordinoiy eifioiancymonaoe mote internal processes bring to the market a competitivv oevrartyge based rai oeef leaOesshlpi And aithaush Otms competmg on cost leederfhie wiii UVaie iihe engaye in one of Oortetts odef csmpetittve strategies SdifforenSidtiynorOdsusemcUoS thsircssecofS ahvantaoet .