tailieunhanh - Flora of Kizildag mountain (Isparta) and environs

This paper describes a floristic study of Kizildag (Isparta/Turkey) and its environs. The study was carried out during 1993- 1996 and 1515 vascular plant samples were collected. After the identification of the specimens, the total flora has been determined as 786 taxa belonging to 770 species, 371 genera and 84 families. | Turk J Bot 27 2003 463-493 TOBlTAK Research Article Flora of Kizildag Mountain Isparta and Environs Birol MUTLU Sadik ERlK Hacettepe University Faculty of Science Department of Biology 06532 Beytepe Ankara - TURKEY Received Accepted Abstract This paper describes a floristic study of Kizildag Isparta Turkey and its environs. The study was carried out during 19931996 and 1515 vascular plant samples were collected. After the identification of the specimens the total flora has been determined as 786 taxa belonging to 770 species 371 genera and 84 families. The endemism rate of the area is for the 122 taxa. The largest 3 families are Asteraceae 89 species Fabaceae 65 species and Poaceae 62 species . The largest genera are Ranunculus L. 13 species Allium L. 13 species and Veronica L. 12 species . The phytogeographical spectrum of the species is as follows Irano-Turanian elements 143 Mediterranean elements 140 and Euro-Siberian elements 40 . One hundred and seventy-three species are new records from B3 and C3 squares. Similarities between the taxa of Kizildag and those of 11 other studies performed near our study area were compared using clustering analysis. Key Words Flora Kizildag Isparta Turkey Kizildag Isparta ve evresinin Florasi Ozet Bu palipmada Kizildag Isparta ve yakin pevresinin florasi araptirilmiptir. Araptirma alaninda 1993-1996 yillarinda 1515 bitki ornegi toplanmip palipmalar sonucunda 84 familya 371 cins ve 770 tũre ait 786 takson saptanmiptir. Alandaki endemizm orani 122 taxon ipin dir. En bũyũk 3 familya Asteraceae 89 tũr Fabaceae 65 tũr ve Poaceae 62 tũr dir. En bũyũk cinsler Ranunculus 13 tũr Allium 13 tũr ve Veronica 12 tũr dir. Tũrlerin fitocografik bolgelere dagilimi ve oranlari sirasiyla poyledir lran-Turan elementleri 143 Akdeniz elementleri 140 ve Avrupa-Sibirya elementleri 40 . 173 tũr B3 ve C3 karelerine ait yeni kare kayiti olarak bulunmuptur. Kizildag ve yakininda bulunan diger