tailieunhanh - A to Z complete for you: Part 2

(BQ) Continued part 1, part 2 of the document A to Z complete for you has contents: Is for labioplasty; is for menstruation, moods, and misery; is for nutrition; is for quandaries; is for urinary tract, is for sexually transmitted infections,.and other contents. Invite you to refer. | L IS FOR LABIOPLASTY Vaginoplasty and Other Procedures for V-Vanity There s a brave new world of designer vaginas the latest trend in cosmetic surgery. People have been nipping tucking implanting and vacuuming lots of body parts and now some sisters are turning their quest for perfection to their genitals. Elective surgeries that promise a better sex life or more aesthetically pleasing private parts are gaining popularity at a gallop. But both the medical community and cultural busybodies are divided over whether these are valid beneficial surgeries or just over-the-top who-ha obsessions. You decide. 98 THE COMPLETE A TO ZFORYOURV help i hate my labia. it looks fat can i put it on a diet Sorry. Eliminating fried foods and gummy bears from your daily diet won t do it. But you re not alone in thinking your labia is chubby. More women than ever before are coming into my office worried their labia are too fat too big too floppy uneven wrinkly saggy or otherwise unsightly. Whether it s a misguided judgment call or the real deal is relative. First things first Compassion and empathy are in order. FYI The New View Campaign based in New York City is a feminist organization of social scientists and clinicians who oppose labioplasty. They claim these procedures are turning healthy female sexuality into a medical problem thereby endangering women s health just for profit. Labia shapes and sizes are remarkably variable and there really is no normal. But if you want to get technical the typical labia minora is about 1 to 2 inches 3 to 4 cm in width when held taught. It s not wholly about L-looks. Women with larger ones can suffer from chronic irritation infection poor hygiene and pain during sex or sports because of their floppy labia. It s true Girls come to my office asking me to fix my camel toe please. And there s the emotional and psychological stress too. Some women just don t feel beautiful or feminine enough down there. This is particularly heartbreaking in vulnerable .