tailieunhanh - Lecture Exploring management - Chapter 12: Individual behavior

After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions: Understand how perceptions influence individual behavior, understand how personalities influence individual behavior, understand how attitudes, emotions, and moods influence individual behavior. | Chapter 12 Individual Behavior Exploring Management Chapter 12 How do perceptions influence individual behavior? How do personalities influence individual behavior? How do attitudes, emotions and moods influence individual behavior? 2 Perceptions Perceptual distortions can obscure individual differences Perception can cause attribution errors as we explain events and problems Impression management is a way of influencing how others perceive us The expression “Perception is reality” is valid. The way a person perceives things is real to that person. 3 PERCEPTIONS Individual Differences Perception Process for receiving and interpreting information from the environment The accuracy of two–way communication is limited by the perceptual distortions of the sender and receiver. 4 PERCEPTIONS Individual Differences Stereotypes Using limited attributes of a group to describe an entire group or individuals in the group Halo effect Using one characteristic of a person to form an overall impression Stereotypes do not allow for individual differences. Managers can miss spotting potential in employees if stereotypes interfere with perception. 5 PERCEPTIONS Individual Differences Selective perception Limit perception of information to that which agrees with existing beliefs Projection Assign our personal attributes to another individual Perception related problems can be overcome by building trust. 6 PERCEPTIONS Attribution Errors Attribution Developing explanations or causes for events Fundamental attribution error Tendency to blame someone else when things go wrong Self-serving bias Blame personal problems on external causes rather than accept personal responsibility When faced with employee related perception related problems, it is good to remember that there are two perceivers and to question your perceptions of the employee as well as the employee’s perception of you. 7 PERCEPTIONS Impression Management Impression management Attempting to influence how others . | Chapter 12 Individual Behavior Exploring Management Chapter 12 How do perceptions influence individual behavior? How do personalities influence individual behavior? How do attitudes, emotions and moods influence individual behavior? 2 Perceptions Perceptual distortions can obscure individual differences Perception can cause attribution errors as we explain events and problems Impression management is a way of influencing how others perceive us The expression “Perception is reality” is valid. The way a person perceives things is real to that person. 3 PERCEPTIONS Individual Differences Perception Process for receiving and interpreting information from the environment The accuracy of two–way communication is limited by the perceptual distortions of the sender and receiver. 4 PERCEPTIONS Individual Differences Stereotypes Using limited attributes of a group to describe an entire group or individuals in the group Halo effect Using one characteristic of a person to form an overall