tailieunhanh - Flow experiences in everyday classes of Spanish college students: the fit between challenge and skill

This study is concerned with the fow state as a high intrinsic motvaton experience. Following Csikszentmihalyi's theoretcal model (1990), we analyze in which contents within the social psychology subject, students experience more fow. Partcipants were Spanish college students from a general course on Social Psychology. They completed a diary study during 12 master classes through the academic semester. The results showed that students experienced diferent states of consciousness in diferent sessions: relaxaton, apathy, fow and anxiety, respectvely. | Journal of Technology and Science Education FLOW EXPERIENCES IN EVERYDAY CLASSES OF SPANISH COLLEGE STUDENTS: THE FIT BETWEEN CHALLENGE AND SKILL Jordi Escartn Solanelles1, Lucia Ceja Barba2, Montse Celdrán Castro1, Javier Martn Peña3 Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona 1 IESE Business School, University of Navarra 2 Faculty of Social Sciences and Work, University of Zaragoza 3 Spain jordiescartn@, LCeja@, mceldran@, jmape@ Received November 2013 Accepted January 2014 Abstract This study is concerned with the fow state as a high intrinsic motvaton experience. Following Csikszentmihalyi's theoretcal model (1990), we analyze in which contents within the social psychology subject, students experience more fow. Partcipants were Spanish college students from a general course on Social Psychology. They completed a diary study during 12 master classes through the academic semester. The results showed that students experienced diferent states of consciousness in diferent sessions: relaxaton, apathy, fow and anxiety, respectvely. These fndings provide new insight into the relatonship between an academic subject and students, facilitatng the creaton of new and innovatve strategies for learning. The ultmate goal is to modify and improve the dynamics and learning actvites for the teaching course, increasing the experience of fow in class (and reducing the levels of anxiety, apathy or relaxaton). Keywords – College’s students, Diary study, Flow, Intrinsic motvaton, Social psychology ---------- 1 INTRODUCTION During the university period, learning encompasses an important living space, where academic success and subjectve well-being is pursued by students and teachers. However, it is known that not all students are performing well and enjoy the learning actvites in which they engage. In any university classroom, students may be unmotvated and uncommited with the dynamic actvites taking place in the classroom. Therefore, to promote