tailieunhanh - Flex 3 with Java- P4

Tham khảo tài liệu 'flex 3 with java- p4', công nghệ thông tin, kỹ thuật lập trình phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Chapter 5 mx Panel title Products Explorer width 70 height 100 layout horizontal mx TileList id tileList variableRowHeight false itemRenderer dataProvider change itemSelected event columnCount 2 height 100 width 100 mx Panel mx Panel width 30 height 100 title Details mx Form width 100 height 100 mx FormItem label Book Name mx Label id bookName text mx FormItem mx FormItem label ISBN mx Label id isbnNumber text selectedBook.@ISBN mx FormItem mx FormItem label Author mx Label id authorName mx text mx text mx Label mx FormItem mx FormItem label Pages mx Label id pageNumber text mx FormItem mx FormItem label Price mx Label id bookPrice text mx FormItem mx FormItem label Description mx Text id bookDesc text width 200 mx FormItem mx FormItem label Cover Page mx Image width 138 height 146 source mx FormItem mx Form mx Panel mx HBox mx HBox width 100 height 30 mx Panel width 100 height 100 title Shopping Cart 137 Working with XML mx DataGrid id dgGrid dataProvider shoppingCart height 100 width 100 editable true mx columns mx DataGridColumn dataField title headerText Book Name editable false mx DataGridColumn dataField price mx DataGridColumn headerText Price editable false headerText Qty. dataField quantity editable true mx columns mx DataGrid mx ControlBar mx Button label Checkout click Not yet implemented. mx Button label Remove click Not yet implemented. mx ControlBar mx Panel mx HBox mx VBox mx Application In the code above we have used the HBox VBox and Panel containers to lay out the main user interface. We have also added a TileList component to display books using a custom component that is as its itemRenderer. Next we have added another Panel container to display the selected book s details using a Form .