tailieunhanh - English-marathi cross language information retrieval system based on query translation approach

The query language will be in English and documents will be retrieved from Marathi documents collection. English query translation will be done dictionary based approach. To improve performance of the proposed system, query expansion using WordNet and pre-processing techniques will be employed to get good precision and recall. | ISSN:2249-5789 Kalyani Lokhande et al, International Journal of Computer Science & Communication Networks,Vol 6(6),250-254 English-Marathi Cross Language Information Retrieval System Based On Query Translation Approach Kalyani Lokhande, Research Scholar, Department of Computer Engineering, SSBT’s COET, Jalgaon. Dhanashree Tayade, Asst. Profesoor Department of Computer Engineering, SSBT’s COET, Jalgaon. Abstract— Today, different types of contents in different The number of Internet users increasing day to day languages are available on World Wide Web and their usage is accessing any kind of required information at any time. increasing rapidly. Cross Language Information Retrieval Information Retrieval (IR) mainly refers to a process that the (CLIR) deals with retrieval of documents in another language than the language of the requested query. Various researchers worked in Cross Language Information Retrieval systems for Indian languages. CLIR allows to write query in user’s native language. But sometimes it is difficult for a user to write a finding required information. With 100 million internet users, India is at third place globally in usage of internet. Though the internet has shrunken the geographical boundaries, the language diversification is a big barrier to get full benefit of request in a language which can be easily read and understand. the internet. Hence there is a need to develop a technique like In the proposed system, English to Marathi Cross Language Cross Language Information Retrieval which is used to Information Retrieval is designed by using query translation retrieve documents in a language other than the user used to approach. The query language will be in English and documents specify the query. Therefore, Internet is no longer will be retrieved from Marathi documents collection. English monolingual and non-English contents are accessed rapidly. query translation will be done dictionary based approach. To improve .