tailieunhanh - Hardware software co design using primitive interface

Most engineering designs can be viewed as systems, ., as collections of several components whose combined operation provides useful services. Components can be heterogeneous in nature and their interaction may be regulated by some simple or complex means. Interface between Hardware & Software plays a very important role in co-design of the embedded system. Hardware/software co-design means meeting system-level objectives by exploiting the synergism of hardware and software through their concurrent design. This paper shows how hardware & software interfaces can be implemented using primitive interface design. | Navin Chourasia et al, International Journal of Computer Science & Communication Networks, Vol 1 (1),September-October 2011 Hardware/Software Co-design using Primitive Interface Navin Chourasia 1 , Puran Gaur 2 1. M Tech Scholar Department Of Electronics & Communication, NIIST Bhopal, India Email: navin_chourasia@ 2. Asst. Prof. Department Of Electronics & Communication, NIIST Bhopal, India Email: purangour@ Abstract Most engineering designs can be viewed as systems, ., as collections of several components whose combined operation provides useful services. Components can be heterogeneous in nature and their interaction may be regulated by some simple or complex means. Interface between Hardware & Software plays a very important role in co-design of the embedded system. Hardware/software co-design means meeting system-level objectives by exploiting the synergism of hardware and software through their concurrent design. This paper shows how hardware & software interfaces can be implemented using primitive interface design. Key words: Co-design; Interface, Latch ,Primitive Interface; Processor Introduction Hardware/Software interface design supports the simultaneous of both hardware and software to implement a desired function. It is widely used in design of Embedded System. With hardware and software interface design, a system specification is divided into hardware and software parts according to the system architecture. Primitive Interface Design The primitive interface design implements input and output, where the input interface supports the reading function and the output interface support the writing function Input Interface for Processor The input interface for processor is consisting of the hardware interface and the software interface. The behavior of the hardware interface can be described by a Verilog program as shown. 1 ‘define BUSwidth 8 // Width of BUS 2 module Data_input( x, y, g ); 3 input [‘BUSwidth-1:0] x; Embedded .