tailieunhanh - Developing alternative wood harvesting strategies with linear programming in preparing forest management plans

In this paper, the process of developing alternative wood harvesting strategies in forest management planning is presented. Alternative wood harvesting strategies based on linear programming (LP) include a planning horizon of 100 years, an objective of the maximization of net present value (NPV) and various constraints such as classical volume control (even flow) and wood assortments. | Turk J Agric For 30 (2006) 67-79 © TÜB‹TAK Developing Alternative Wood Harvesting Strategies with Linear Programming in Preparing Forest Management Plans Emin Zeki BAfiKENT, Sedat KELEfi Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, 61080, Trabzon - TURKEY Received: Abstract: In this paper, the process of developing alternative wood harvesting strategies in forest management planning is presented. Alternative wood harvesting strategies based on linear programming (LP) include a planning horizon of 100 years, an objective of the maximization of net present value (NPV) and various constraints such as classical volume control (even flow) and wood assortments. Model outputs are presented and discussed along with NPVs and amounts of wood assortments by alternative wood harvesting strategies consisting of various discount rates and wood assortments. Key Words: Forest management, Wood harvesting strategy, Linear Programming, Net Present Value. Orman Amenajman Planlar›n›n Haz›rlanmas›nda Do¤rusal Programlama ile Odun Üretimi Stratejilerinin Gelifltirilmesi Özet: Bu çal›flmada, orman amenajman planlar›n›n haz›rlanmas›nda odun hammaddesi üretimine yönelik farkl› alternatif odun üretim stratejilerinin gelifltirilmesi süreci ifllenmifltir. Bu amaçla, Do¤rusal Programlama tekni¤ine dayal› ve 100 y›ll›k bir planlama görüngesini kapsayan bir model kurulmufltur. Gelifltirilen bu planlama modeline göre, farkl› odun çeflitlerinden elde edilen Net Bugünkü De¤erin (NBD) farkl› iskonto oranlar›na göre en iyilendi¤i ve de¤iflik k›s›tlay›c› koflullar›n modele dahil edildi¤i farkl› odun üretim stratejileri gelifltirilmifltir. K›s›tlay›c›lar, klasik alan ve hacim kontrolü ile üretimin farkl› odun çeflitlerine göre kontrolünden oluflmaktad›r. Modelin çözülmesi sonucunda elde edilen ç›kt›lar, NBD ve miktar olarak; alternatif odun üretim stratejileri, farkl› ›skonto oranlar› ve odun çeflitleri itibariyle periyotlara göre sunulmufl ve bulgular orman dinami¤i aç›s›ndan .